Albert Einstein-physicist


  • Einstein was born 14 March 1879 in a place German city of Ulm. He died 18 April 1955.                                                          
  • Einstein published four paper in 1905, this year of his life known as "Einstein Miracle Year"(1905). His first paper, applied the quantam theory and second paper explained experimental proof of atoms. In the third paper, spacial relativity and fourth paper explained relationship between mass and energy . E=mc^2 , where c is constant speed of light which is the Einstein's famous equation.                                                                                                                                    
  • He explained Brownian motion and photoelectric  effect, contributed to theory of atomic spectra, formulated theories of spacial and general relativity.                                                                                                                                         
  • Einstein was a Nobel Prize Winner Physicist . He was renowed for his famous relativity theory and specially the finding of the sources of mass-energy equivalence. He received the Nobel Prize in 1921. It was mentioned as the reason for his reward, spacial contributions to theoretical physics and the study of  light-electric action.                                                                                         
  • EINSTEIN FAMOUS QUOTES                                                                                                      " Religion is a foul thing that should be kicked out of the world by its execution".                        "look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better".

Aryabhatta -great mathematician


  • Aryabhatta was born 476 CE, in a place Patliputra present day Patna, Bihar, India. His tradition Hindu and Buddhism, that time has been "Golden period in Indian history". His correct name is Aryabhata . Also he was a great Indian astronomer. 
  • Aryabhatta, the greatest Indian mathematician of ancient era, has been famous for his  mathematical works and theorem on astronomical bodies that have been found to be every accurate in term of modern calculation."Aryabhatta", he is only work to have survived has given the world innumerable theorems and research subjects. His two other major contributions are the introduction of "zero" to the world and calculating the approximate value of Pie(π). His works are also separate in fields like include algebra, arithmetic, trigonometry, quadratic equations and the sin table.
  • Aryabhatta work out the area of triangle. He calculate the volume of sphere and he describe the model of solar system. Aryabhatta calculate the length of year as 365days,6 hours,12 min,30 seconds.

Archimedes-gretest mathematicians


  • ARCHIMEDES was born c.287 BC in the city of Syracuse on the Southern Italy. Archimedes was related to king Hiero ll. His father's name is Phidias. Archimedes died c.212BC.  
  •   The greatest greek mathematician of ancient era, Archimedes made phenomenal contribution in the field of Mathematics. His work include integral calculus studies and finding various computation techniques to determine volume and area of several shapes. including the conic section .Archimedes also a great Physicist, astronomer, engineer.
  •   His subjects of study are Archimedes' principle, lever, sphere, Pi and surface. And his famous inventions Archimedes screw. The first book establish the "law of the lever".Archimedes explain the law of lever. Archimedes gives an approximation of the value of Pi(π) that is 22/7.
                                                                        Archimedes' screw
  •  Archimedes is also a famous inventor.He made many tools and machine. He made a machine to lift water that is called Archimedes' Screw that could be used farmars to brings water to their crops.And he invention any other machine for example catapults,siege.