Archimedes-gretest mathematicians


  • ARCHIMEDES was born c.287 BC in the city of Syracuse on the Southern Italy. Archimedes was related to king Hiero ll. His father's name is Phidias. Archimedes died c.212BC.  
  •   The greatest greek mathematician of ancient era, Archimedes made phenomenal contribution in the field of Mathematics. His work include integral calculus studies and finding various computation techniques to determine volume and area of several shapes. including the conic section .Archimedes also a great Physicist, astronomer, engineer.
  •   His subjects of study are Archimedes' principle, lever, sphere, Pi and surface. And his famous inventions Archimedes screw. The first book establish the "law of the lever".Archimedes explain the law of lever. Archimedes gives an approximation of the value of Pi(π) that is 22/7.
                                                                        Archimedes' screw
  •  Archimedes is also a famous inventor.He made many tools and machine. He made a machine to lift water that is called Archimedes' Screw that could be used farmars to brings water to their crops.And he invention any other machine for example catapults,siege.

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